How I corrected the earth‘s axis ?
In 2004 year i receive an order to correct the earth‘s axis. Yes it can be regulated with codes. For that purpose i went to Melnik. In the smallest town of Bulgaria there‘s a portal for correcting the precession. Where exactly is the place i can not tell, but if the Rila mountain is the most powerful energetic center to fly above, Melnik is for the opposite direction. Until now i have been participating in 2 missions like this. The first one i received after a deadly earthquake. It happen because of military nuclear experiments on big depth, the lead to barely visible shake of the planet and displace the earth‘s axis. Then the keepers of the harmony wanted to be entered codes for repair. At the end of 2009 year there was a message for my second mission. It sounds fantastic but what i have seen i will tell you and those who have senses will know it‘s true. I travel to the core of the Earth in something like a capsule and was very close to the core. Altogether we were 12 people that were in the hall for corrections from all over the world. In front of everyone was placed a unique technological portal from plasma and crystals. In entering we entered a unique planetarian code in it, that everyone has after its activation. The code looks like a digits placed like a pyramid.
On the first row there are 4 digits, on the second 5 digits, on the third 6 digits and so on up to 9th row which is gathering 12 digits.
I saw from my right site Russian - very short with devilish blue eyes. Although it is forbidden the communication between the keepers of the codes the dwarf said something like ‚How it is going bratushka?‘ I only nodded. From my left site there was a black man, after that there were a man that looks like a German. From the side of the ‚bratushka‘ i saw a man which nationality i can not tell. The people in rest of the hall can be barely seen because of grey-green haze that was spread all over. The visibility once was clear and once cloudy as the situation on a high mountain peak, that changes every second. I made everything that i have been instructed for and leave. In next weeks hit two earthquakes, one on the Balkans, but very weak. But the second on Haiti island was devastating. What was the purpose of this mission i was not told. If we make the earthquake or somehow we directed its power to the right direction i still don‘t know. And during the quake in Chili, from NASA realised that the earth‘s axis is moved. If this is not the purpose? The information that i was given for this question from the higher worlds is very unclear and not enough. The main is that our planet must have been prepared for the future change. The algorithm is following : with every entering of codes on the earth it happen earthquakes, that i called coded quakes. The mission is the angle of circulating the earth to be the right one for to the planet could be reloaded from the central sun. Now the life on Earth is ruled by Pleiades. Soon the role will be taken by Sirius.
Part of the book "The Aura of the Free" by Deyan Kolev
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